Exploring materiality
The Materiality Finder is the best way to explore and compare the SASB Standards quickly.
The Materiality Finder and the SASB Standards are freely accessible to everyone. The Materiality Map is only accessible via a login for users of the SASB Standards Navigator, which are primarily organisations that are licensing the SASB Standards.
Find material topics
The Materiality Finder makes it easy to both look up companies or industries and compare industries side-by-side.
How to use the Materiality Finder
Materiality Map - Login
The Materiality Map visually reveals how 26 general sustainability issues manifest across 77 industries.
Work at an eligible organisation? Request access.
Find material topics
The Materiality Finder makes it easy to both look up companies or industries and compare industries side-by-side.
How to use the Materiality Finder
Materiality Map - Login
The Materiality Map visually reveals how 26 general sustainability issues manifest across 77 industries.
Work at an eligible organisation? Request access
Why is the Materiality Map only accessible via a login?
We made this change after we recently learned two things by observing use of the Materiality Map. (1) The Materiality Map wasn’t optimised for most users’ needs. Most users want to see the relevant topics for a company and compare up to 4 industries side-by-side. The Materiality Finder makes that easier. (2) Some of the users that want all 77 industries, such as investors and data/analytics firms, were using the Materiality Map for commercial purposes without a commercial license. The SASB Standards remain free for non-commercial use, such as publishing corporate reports, but have always required a license for rights to use the intellectual property for commercial purposes.
After the Materiality Finder became available in mid-October 2021, a significant majority of users told us it was more helpful than the Materiality Map. With the Materiality Finder now meeting users’ needs in a more effective way, the Materiality Map is only available to users of the SASB Standards Navigator, which are primarily organisations that are licensing the SASB Standards. This helps protect against unauthorised commercial use. To inquire about licensing, you can email us at sustainability_licensing@ifrs.org.
Materiality Map screenshot
Download a screenshot of the Materiality Map to use in presentations, articles or other publications.